what is your favorite animal that lives in the ocean?


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

whales: there are over 40 differnet types of whales. whales ca nlive 45 to 60 years. they eat small fish, squid, zooplankton, and phytoplankton. they use beautiful lyrical sounds to communicate.
dolphins: there are over 40 species of dolphins. some get over 30 feet and some weigh over 19,000 lbs. they can live anywhere between 40 years and 80. they eat small fish, squid, and crustaceans. they live in tropical areas throughout the world.
sea lion: they live in cooler waters of the north pacific. males get to about 2,000 lbs and over 10 feet, females get to about 600 lbs and over 7 feet. they have yellow-brown fur. they eat fish, cephalopods, squid, octopus, harbour seal, fur seal, ringed seal, and sea otters.
elephant seal: some can be found in california and baja california and others can be found in the antartic waters. elephant seals are the largest of all seals. they can get over 20 feet and weigh over 8,800 lbs. they can live 9 to 22 years. they are carnivores.
guadalupe fur seal: found by the pacific ocean off the coast of california and mexico. they have thick black or brown coat with ruff lighter tan fur around their necks. they have small ears and a split tail fin. males get to about 7 feet and weigh 415 lbs, females get to about 5 feet and weigh about 108 lbs.
harbor seal: they live in the atlantic and pacific ocean. their usually brown, tan, or gray. they grow to about 6 feet and weigh about 290 lbs. there are over 5 million to 6 million individuals. they eat flounder, perch, octopus, squid, and shrimp.
manatee: they are gray animals. they do not eat meat they are plant-eating animals. they get to about 10 feet long and weigh between 800 lbs to 1,200 lbs. you can find them anywhere where its warm, they are usually swimming in rivers, or canals. they can live for 60 years sometimes longer.
polar bear: they live in the arctic. they mainly eat seals sometimes fish. they dig holes under the snow to use for a home.

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